
Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Refined Scoring in Scrabble-Like Games

I have many ideas for refining the scoring in Scrabble like games:
  • Cap on points per letter
  • Cap on points per turn
  • Bonuses for playing the Best Word
  • Bonuses for word length
  • Bonuses for infrequently played words

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Visio 2010 Layers - Yech!

I have long known Visio has a Layers feature, but I have never used it, nor seen anyone else use it. I had a little time on my hands, and a use case that could benefit layers, so I decided to invest 40 minutes in trying to master it. Yech--very clunky. (Disclaimer--I'm a salaryman, so at the mercy of the corporate upgrade cycle. This is Visio 2010. For all I know, it is better in a later version.)

Without thinking too long and hard about how it should work, instead of burying the Layers commands in a modal dialog, it would be much better if each Layer were a horizontal tab on your drawing. Standard CTRL-click functionality to display multiple layers at once.