
Friday, February 21, 2025

Notes on Habits of Mind

Avoid single cause thinking.

Always adjust for inflation, especially when making direct comparisons (modern technology makes this easy nowadays).

Look for better ways to do everyday things. But be wary if better is coming at you via a sales pitch.

Never fail to recognize that policies or major decisions invariably have tradeoffs.

Resist algorithmic selection. E.g., don't mindlessly scroll through Netflix to find a show to watch--search for "best shows on Netflix". Better yet, maintain an ongoing list, to have a backlog at the ready. Certainly don't get your news from social media.

Don't confuse feeling like you are winning an argument with having a clear view of things. The tactics that we recruit for rhetorical purposes will steadily warp our ability to see truth and reason carefully about facts. Denialism perhaps being the most damaging in this way.

A favorite hobbyhorse: consciously resist the natural human "weakness" for a good story.

Year-End Deductibles Create Inefficiency

Christmas crowds the consumer shopping calendar and thereby creates inefficiencies and inconveniences. Guess what other personal finance event does the same thing, on exactly the same schedule? The year-end medical deductible!

The large majority of US healthcare plans match the deductible to the calendar year. The results is a skew toward pushing off treatment, in order to maximize meeting the deductible. Likely the largest factor is when a patient knows they are a candidate for an expensive procedure whose timing is highly elective (e.g. joint replacement). 

This covers the both the clear need case (knee replacement), but where there is substantial flexibility to push it off for a few years. It also cover the case where the patient wants a medically-covered procedure, even if they don't absolutely need it (in my own case, drooping eyelid that slightly obscured field of vision, so that it was medically necessary, but also something I could live with indefinitely). 

The result is that a substantial number of major procedures get crowded into the year-end. This makes life difficult and inefficient for everybody:

  1. Providers and staff work too much at end of year.
  2. Facility capacity has to be geared toward peak (like how utilities have to have generating capacity for daytime peak, rather than average load).
  3. Consumers schedule things based on deductible-satisfaction, not their calendar optimum.
  4. Some people get crowded out--including those with an urgent medical need, not tied to deductible-timing.

Probably even magnified since if you conclude in August you are likely to hit your deductible, it is going to be Nov-Dec before you can have that expensive procedure--magnifying the crowding.

I think it has always been that way

Inconsistent benefits years sucks for married people, but there could be some kind of fix, li

Idea: longer deductibles, like maybe 3 years? 

Friday, January 10, 2025

In Praise of Word Processing

I quickly fell in love with word processing. My timing was good--I entered the white-collar workforce in 1987, just as PCs were becoming widespread. I immediately became a power-user of Microsoft Word. I was already a proficient typist, having made the unusual decision to take a full year of typing, rather than just a semester. I peaked around 70 wpm, and I used to joke that I could have made a living as a secretary (before secretaries disappeared, less than 10 years after I joined the workforce).

Something I noticed frequently for the next 20+ years--a common trope would crop up in articles focusing on professional authors . Early in the article, when describing their writing habits, the journalist would make a point of emphasizing the author's old-school approach--often a typewriter, occasionally longhand, but never a word processor. 

As a word processor lover, this always irritated me. To each their own, of course. And I get that an author who was older when word processors started to become commonplace might just not have the inclination to mess with success. But the degree to which being anti-word processing, without having tried it, was a point of pride irked me. Not so much different than an old engineer clinging to their slide rule, refusing to use a calculator (except that engineers are too pragmatic for that to actually happen).

I've noticed in the past decade, that trope has, literally, died out.

Obama Contrasted with Bill Clinton

01/09/25 Just stumbled across this draft, somehow forgot to publish it. Better late than never.
This is interesting. One stereotype confirmed: the liberal who loves humanity but doesn't like people! Then another reversed: our first black president is "white and uptight"! Which, frankly, is my kind of guy.

Honestly, though, if Obama doesn't care for his former Senate colleagues--that is a big plus for me. I used to resist being comptemptuous of politicians, putting that attitude in the category of populism, which I deeply loathe. But the days for that have long passed. The ones worthy of respect are retiring or losing their primaries. It is hard to find a one of them who seems to place any value on intellectual honesty.

I have huge respect for Obama's style and temperament, to say nothing of his intellect. People say all these nice things about Clinton now, but in his day, the conventional wisdom was that he was all tactics, no strategy. The supremely gifted pol who loved engaging in politics too much, as an end in itself, not as a means. I would thrill to see more politicians who refuse to play the game--even if it costs them in the short-term. 

On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 12:06 PM, <> wrote:

Obama, enigma in chief

By , Published: September 4

Just when the Democratic Party needs more of Bill Clinton, there is less of him. The former president is a reed of his former self, trimmed by heart disease and a veggie diet. Still, when I saw him last week, people flocked to him and he held forth, synthesizing the great issues of the day, describing the black Scroogian heart of the Republican Party, holding me (among others) close until, with reluctance, I drew myself away. He is the anti-Obama. He gives so much of himself. Barack Obama gives so little.

The president who will lay out his reasons for seeking a second term is an odd political duck, a politician who does not appear to like people. Among the people he seems to like the least are his fellow politicians, including members of the Senate with whom he once served. The other day I talked with one of them — a Democrat — who rarely hears from Obama. This senator has zero respect for the president's political abilities. The commander in chief is not — pardon the cloying term — a people person.

By now, this is an old story. I have talked with corporate chieftains who never hear from the president — not on the economy, not on the European crisis, not on the jobs crisis. I have talked with business leaders whose recommendations, perhaps too bluntly put, were imperiously dismissed by Obama. All of Washington knows of congressional committee chairmen who cannot get their phone calls returned. At night, the president retires to the White House's family quarters where only Valerie Jarrett of the Obama staff is welcome. Chiefs of staff come and go, but Jarrett remains.

So what we have is the Obama Paradox. Here is a man who is supremely gifted as an orator but dreadful as a schmoozer. His keynote speech to the 2004 Democratic convention put him on the national stage, and within four years, he was his party's nominee. His speeches during the 2008 campaign caused the young, among others, to swoon. That July, he spoke to what seemed like half of Germany at a Berlin rally, and a bit more than a year later he won the Nobel Peace Prize based on nothing more than his rhetoric. He could make a fantastic demagogue. He chose, however, to make a crummy politician.

Ironically, Obama has cited Abraham Lincoln as a president whose leadership he admires. Lincoln no doubt could deliver the big speech — his two minutes at Gettysburg went directly into the American canon. But Lincoln's other talent was talking, telling stories, sharing tales — and listening and listening and listening. He loved the game of politics, and he was gifted at it. He juggled a Cabinet of egomaniacs and back-stabbers (read Doris Kearns Goodwin's "Team of Rivals") and kept his Republican Party from shredding over the bloody-shirt issues of the day, among them emancipation of the slaves. Lincoln met with everyone.

Obama and Clinton don't much like each other. They have their reasons, but Clinton got a coveted prime-time slot for his speech, the one usually reserved for the vice president. Obama showed both poise and confidence in allowing that, but he can more than hold his own in this regard. He was born for the podium. It is from Clinton's manner, his open-faced welcome, that Obama ought to learn. Clinton is a Venus Flytrap of a politician. Walk near him and you are caught. There are precious few stories about Clinton not returning phone calls.

Obama has faced a mean and petty Republican Congress. Some of the partisan rhetoric has been ugly — so ugly that Clint Eastwood felt entitled to demean both himself and the office of president in one of the vilest moments of any recent political convention. Obama has been called a liar — shouted by a congressman during a nationally televised address to Congress, in fact. His citizenship has been impugned, his vaguely leftist views have been caricatured as socialist, the best-seller list seems always to have a sulfuric anti-Obama diatribe on it, and — the questionable polls notwithstanding — some of the furious opposition to him reeks of a deep, not superficial, racism. To some, Obama just doesn't look like a president.

He's had a rough time. So did Lincoln, so did Lyndon Johnson and so did Clinton when he faced impeachment. Presidents need to know how to fight. Sometimes you use the bully pulpit. Sometimes you use a golf game. This president has many enemies. One of them, amazingly, is himself.

"The best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads." --Jeff Hammerbacher