Avoid single cause thinking.
Always adjust for inflation, especially when making direct comparisons (modern technology makes this easy nowadays).
Look for better ways to do everyday things. But be wary if better is coming at you via a sales pitch.
Never fail to recognize that policies or major decisions invariably have tradeoffs.
Resist algorithmic selection. E.g., don't mindlessly scroll through Netflix to find a show to watch--search for "best shows on Netflix". Better yet, maintain an ongoing list, to have a backlog at the ready. Certainly don't get your news from social media.
Don't confuse feeling like you are winning an argument with having a clear view of things. The tactics that we recruit for rhetorical purposes will steadily warp our ability to see truth and reason carefully about facts. Denialism perhaps being the most damaging in this way.
A favorite hobbyhorse: consciously resist the natural human "weakness" for a good story.