
Monday, November 06, 2017

Virtual Visits - Finally Dispense with the Minor Waste of Height, Weight, Blood Pressure

Every single time I visit the doctor--for a sinus infection, for a cut that might need a stitch, whatever--we go through the ritual of height, weight, blood pressure. I've always thought it was a minor waste, but nobody seemed interested in eliminating the waste.

Except now, virtual visits to the doctor are rapidly gaining traction. And of necessity, virtual visits must dispense with this mindless record-keeping. Amazing how something that seemed unthinkable is suddenly totally negotiable.

Another example: for years I have been complaining about the convention of "3 incorrect password attempts and your account is locked". Who determined 3 is optimal?! Too easy to combine mis-remembering and a typo or two, and you are done for. I always thought nearly the same level of security could be achieved with a range of 6-8. But 3 seemed nearly universal.

Then mobile came along, and the challenges of a small, virtual keyboard made 3 impossible. So, overnight, the limit was increased to 10!

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